Usually I have been able to calculate a scenario, and the results save, including anything pulled from excel sheets. Since the latest update my model wants to re-calculate everything every time I change something. This is making it impossible to work with as my model is very large and each of my scenarios take a long time to calculate. For example - I run results for my reference scenario - it calculates - I save - I make a change in an alternate scenario run results - to calculates the reference scenario all over again before going to the alternate scenario calculations (perhaps an issue with storing the excel cache?). There is also an issue where it gives an error when trying to calculate results (image attached). This error is fixed if I close excel from the task manager and re-calculate, but then it re-calculates the entire area and all scenarios.
Edit: Feb 21, 2017
An addendum to my original posted comments:
This issue does not happen when I work with previous saved versions of my area, so it does not seem to be an issue with the LEAP Version, rather something with my LEAP area. It is as though it will not save an excel cache. For the area having issues I copied and renamed the original area file to keep one as a back up file. Perhaps this can cause these issues? Not a pressing issue but any insights are appreciated.
Thank you,
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