Note that when looking at the data and results files, you will see that the various LEAP elements (fuels, branches, effects, scenarios, regions, etc.) are indicated by IDs in the data files. However, LEAP does add a section of comments at the top of the data files that show how these IDs map to information in LEAP. For example, you will see a section like this one below (lines starting with the "#" character are comments):
# EMISSIONS (The various pollutants produced from the module)
set EMISSION := E2 E3 E4 E5 E7 E8 E13;
# Summary of Set: EMISSION
# E2 = Carbon Dioxide
# E3 = Carbon Monoxide
# E4 = Methane
# E5 = Non Methane Volatile Organic Compounds
# E7 = Nitrogen Oxides
# E8 = Nitrous Oxide
# E13 = Sulfur Dioxide
# TECHNOLOGIES (The list of processes being optimized, the fuels feeding those processes, plus a dummy technology (Unserved) for unserved electric demands.)
set TECHNOLOGY := P584 P591 P598 P605 S2 S13 S29 S31 Unserved;
# Summary of Set: TECHNOLOGY
# P584 = NGCC
# P591 = Wind
# P598 = Coal
# P605 = Hydro
# S2 = Natural Gas
# S13 = Coal Bituminous
# S29 = Wind
# S31 = Hydro
# Unserved = Unserved
# FUELS (the set of fuels that appear as either an input or output fuel in a LEAP Module)
set FUEL := F1 F2 F13 F29 F31;
# Summary of Set: FUEL
# F1 = Electricity
# F2 = Natural Gas
# F13 = Coal Bituminous
# F29 = Wind
# F31 = Hydro
# YEARS (the years to be calculated)
set YEAR := 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020;
set REGION := R1;
# Summary of Set: REGION
# R1 = Region 1