• 139 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Trouble in changing activity level from percentage share to percentage saturationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Kshitiz Khanal 2/28/2017


    I can not change activity level of household demands from percentage share to percentage saturation. Is it because I used household as category with energy intensity? Or could it be because of units of household? Whenever I choose saturation and click okay, nothing changes. The Units is still percent share of households.

    I have attached the screen shot. Please help.

    leap rural.JPG
  • Taylor Binnington 3/3/2017
      Best Response

    Hi Kshitiz,

    Hmm - LEAP should not allow you to add demand categories (yellow folders) beneath categories with energy intensity (green folders). Only technologies (grey gear icons) can be added underneath green categories. I expect this is related to your inability to switch units. Can you tell me how you created your demand tree with yellow categories underneath the green categories?

    Also - I notice you are using LEAP 2015.0.17.0. The latest version is 2017.0.5.0, which introduces a number of new features as well as important bug fixes. I'd recommend that you always use the latest version, which you can download here:



  • Kshitiz Khanal 3/12/2017
      Best Response

    Hi Taylor,

    Thank you for your answer.

    I realized the mistake I was making. I created the demand categories under intensities by copying and pasting. This is probably not allowed in the new version of LEAP.

    I had to restructure my demand tree. It works now.

    - Kshitiz