Hi Jie-Feng,
Have you ensured that all of the emissions results are being calculated? To check this, in Analysis View go to General>Results to Save, and ensure the "Other Environmental Loadings" results are checked.
LEAP's Technology and Environmental Database (TED) is based on a literature review of published estimates of emission loadings and does not currently contain a comprehensive picture of all effects from each of its source categories. Therefore, it is possible that PM 2.5 emission factors are not listed in TED for the process you are interested in. However, you can manually add emission factors in the "Environmental Loading" tab of a feedstock fuel (as shown in Figure 3 from your post). Select the green "plus" (+) sign on the right side to add a new loading of your choice.
For more information on environmental loadings, refer to the following help page: https://www.energycommunity.org/Help/Demand/Environmental_Analysis.htm
Hope this helps!
Hi Emily,