Respected Sir
4 Likes Hi Asim,
Hi taylor
(sorry Asim for coming in between),
I also get the same diagnostic message.
I have linked the 'maximum capacity' to the 'exogenous capacity' for each power plant, which I guess is practical.
To add to Asim queries, my questions are:
Does it imply that optimization did not work? why do we get this diagnostic message?
When I don't put a constraint on the 'maximum capacity', then for some of the future years the model chooses capacity level beyond the exogenous capacity. Your valuable support will be much appreciated.
thank you,
Hi Dorji,
Hi taylor,
thanks for your kind response.
the reasons for putting a constraint on the maximum capacity:
1) the default value is 'unlimited', without putting a constraint, the model chooses the cheapest power plant beyond its resource yield level - which is not practical;
2) upon linking the 'maximum capacity' to the resource 'yield', the model still choses the cheapest power plant beyond the resource yield;
3) the restriction works only by linking the 'maximum capacity' to the 'exogenous capacity'
I don't understand, why the model don't import electricity (whatever the import cost may be) in case of 2) above to meet the demand rather than building the cheapest power plant beyond the resource yield. I am attaching my excel sheet.
Look forward to your kind support.
Thank you,
Hi Dorji -
thanks for providing me with the expression to control building of power plants within the resource yield.
I shall use it and get back to you in case of issues.
What I fail to understand is that - why does not the model import electricity when domestic resource has limit due to yield/reserve and also constraint posed by availability factor in case of run of the river scheme? why do the model say - no primal feasible solution? (there is no emission constraint in this case)!
look forward to your valuable and continued support.
thank you,
Dorji Yangka
1 Like Hi Dorji,