Hi Taylor, Charlie,
I have been trying to build a slight variation of an optimized electricity expansion scenario, to operate in simulation mode and change some parameters, without recalculate the optimization (which would be different).
For that purpose I created an scenario that inherits from the Optimized (Opt) that I named Opt Sens.
In Opt Sens, I would like to exactly copy the power expansion defined by the Opt scenario, but found a little inconvenience. Because in Opt scenario, for the first 10 years there are some expansion decisions depicted in exogenous capacity variable (which is some kind of constrain for the optimization) and then, the optimization began form year 10 and ahead.
In "Opt Sens" scenario exogenous capacity variable, I would like to paste (or inherit) the combined (exogenous + optimized) expansion of Opt scenario, the problem is that this expansion is described with the combination of exogenous capacity and new optimized capacity variables simoultaneusly.
I can not find an easy way to combine both variables (even trying to copy and paste the resulting expression of each variable combined, but without excel`s help) or even better, to call the resulting capacity additions of Opt scenario (they should be somewhere!!) from Opt Sens simulation exogenous capacity variable.
Could you give me some help?
Thanks a lot!