• 205 views | 8 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Least Cost Electricity Generation Module Result IssueSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Asim Amjad 6/13/2017

    Dear Sir

    Hope you are fine. Sir, I am working on Optimization Module of LEAP. I am facing some issues regarding Optimization results. That is why my optimization cost is higher than hydro. The snapshot is attached below.

    I am looking forward your response.


    Social Costs.jpg
  • Emily Ghosh 6/13/2017
      Best Response

    Hi Asim,

    You have only selected 5 of 12 social cost categories in the results view. If you select all 12 cost categories, are the Optimization costs still higher than Hydro scenario?


  • Asim Amjad 6/14/2017
      Best Response


    Yes, it is still higher. Guide me what should I have to do now??


    Social Cost.jpg
  • Emily Ghosh 6/14/2017
      Best Response

    Hi Asim,

    I recommend reviewing all of the cost inputs in the electricity generation module for each scenario (capital cost, fixed OM cost, etc.) in the Analysis View. It may be possible that you are using higher cost assumptions in the Optimization scenario compared to the Hydro Only scenario, causing the social costs to be higher. If you make the cost assumptions in the Analysis View equal across all scenarios, this may change the results. Hopefully this helps, but please let me know if you have any other questions.


  • Asim Amjad 6/14/2017
      Best Response


    I have the cross check all the cost values of all the resources which I added in the LEAP. The capital cost of Coal Bituminous is 5084 thousand $ /MW, fixed O & M cost is 70 thousand $ /MW and variable O & M cost is 7.1 $ /MW. The fuel cost of coal bituminous is $ 42.58 / tonne. The hydro capital, fixed O & M and variable O & M costs are 3500 thousand $ /MW, 15 thousand $ /MW, 6 $ /MW respectively. The fuel cost of hydro is n/a.

    My LEAP Model Optimization Module select the Coal and Hydro plant for energy generation in Optimization scenario. The cost data of the selected resources is stated above. Kindly guide me what should I have to do now.


  • Emily Ghosh 6/15/2017
      Best Response

    Hi Asim,

    It is unclear why the optimization is showing higher social costs compared to the other scenarios. If the cost inputs, exogenous capacity inputs, efficiency, maximum availability and capacity credit for a particular process technology are the same across all the non-optimized and optimized scenarios, the optimization scenario should produce the least-cost option.

    If you would like me to review your model in more detail, please feel free to backup the LEAP file by going into Area>Backup, and then replying and attaching it to this forum post.


  • Juljan Hebibasi 6/20/2017
      Best Response

    Hello Asim

    If you still have the prob with the data just send a back-up of your model and i will review it.

    Good luck

  • Dorji Yangka 6/26/2017
      Best Response

    sorry to poke in between....I am also curious to know about such issues.

    what is the level of emission constraint? and how much hydropower potential you have in your model? what are the power plants that are being dispatched under the optimization scenario? are you keeping the demand side same for all the scenarios? answers to these may provide a clue.

    Aren't such results possible? I thought it may be possible. your data shows hydro is much cheaper than coal.


    thank you,
