• 55 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Least Cost Electricity Generation Module Previous Papers / Reports / StudySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Asim Amjad 6/13/2017

    Dear Sir

    Hi, Hope you will be fine. I am working on Least Cost Electricity Generation Module. I need assistance regarding any previous study, report, research paper on the above-stated title. Can you please help me for any material that links to least cost module of LEAP or Providing the link(s) where I can get these studies.

    I am looking forward your response.


  • Emily Ghosh 6/13/2017
      Best Response

    Hi Asim,

    Please take a look at the "LEAP Applications" webpage which lists several recent studies using LEAP, many of which may have also included optimization modeling. The link to the webpage is here: https://www.energycommunity.org/default.asp?action=applications

    I also recommend doing a quick search online, such as through Google Scholar, using the keywords "LEAP" and "OSeMOSYS" and you should be able to find several papers and reports on optimization modeling using LEAP.

    Best of luck,