• 115 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Optimising biofuels productionSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Diego García 9/8/2017

    1 Like

    Dear all,

    I am trying to design a tree to represent the bioethanol production, with some processes in it and so on...
    The problem: it appears an error (Error: Range check error / Type: ERangeError / File: Results.pas / Module: Results / Line: 668
    Process: Results::NewReadResult) when I run, and I do not know where is the "problem".

    Is it possible to optimise other commodities different than electricity?
    I have created my biofuel in addition to its introduction into the folder "Transmission and distribution" so, in principle, everything should behave as for the case of electricity, or I think so.

    Besides, when I create my tree "Bioethanol production" I have been checking different combinations of "properties" (with/without planning reserve margin; with/without system load curve, etc.) but nothing happens and the error persists.

    I would like to know whether I'm trying something impossible or not considering something necessary (process-related, for instance) ...

    Thanks in advance.


  • Charlie Heaps 9/8/2017
      Best Response

    Hello Diego,

    Range errors indicate a bug in LEAP. Could you send your actual data set to us (attached as a ".leap" data file) and we will try and take a look at the issue.

    Please also let us know exact steps to follow to generate the error. Please also confirm the exact version of LEAP you are using. The latest is 2017.0.11. You can find that out from the Help: About screen. If your LEAP data set is linked to any external excel spreadsheets, please make sure those are included in the same LEAP area folder as the rest of your data.

    Apologies for the inconvenience.

    Best wishes,

    Charlie, LEAP Developer

  • Diego García 9/8/2017
      Best Response

    Dear Charlie,

    I've just sent you a copy of my leap file via email.

    Thanks in advance.