2 Likes Hi Nnaemeka,
Thank you very much, Emily. How about the sub-national analysis? can the natural resources such as crude oil be allocated at the national level instead of states as described in the multi-region analysis?
**This post has been edited for clarity. Clarifications are underlined.**
Hi Nnaemeka,
One way to deal with the national resource data is to allocate it to each of the states. For example, if there are 1000 barrels of crude oil reserves in the country, you could allocate 40% to State #1 by inputting 400 barrels the Base Year Reserve variable for this region and 60% to State #2 by inputting 600 barrels in this region. Doing this would require you to do some research on where the resources are located in the country, or you would have to make assumptions.
Another way to model the national data is to create another region representing the country. In this case, one region in the model would represent the country, and the other regions would represent the various states.
In the country region, you will need to add demand branches for each fuel resource (either technology branch should do) in order to populate the resource branches. These demand branches do not need to have any demands assigned to them since all of the demands will be specified for each state. Transformation modules are also not required. You can hide unused branches by going to Tree > Select Visible Branches.. Then, input the national resource data in the resource variables. Then, you will have to ensure the In-Area Export Fractions variable is specified in a way that the national resources are "exported" to the states, and adjust the In-Area Import Fractions so that the states can "import" the national resources. To do this:
In the country region:
In each region representing each state:
Once all of the parameters are inputted and the results are calculated, use the Energy Balance view to see where the imports are coming from.
Hopefully this helps get you started!
Thank you very much, Emily. One more question, how do I perform sensitivity analysis in the LEAP model? I think there was an update which included sensitivity analysis but I can't find them in the LEAP model. Please, can you advise me on how to go about it?
1 Like
Dear Emily,
Dear Nnaemeka,
The "Unmet Requirements" variable allows you to choose what happens when the demand for a resource exceeds the available resource. By default, "MeetWithImports" is selected which means that LEAP automatically imports from outside the region to meet resource demands. Other options can be seen by clicking the orange "E" button at the end of the Expression box.
You can also specify the quantity of overseas imports in the "Resource Imports" variable if the amount of imports is known.
Hope this helps,
Dear Emily,
1 Like Hi Nnaemeka,