My questions are regarding how LEAP uses the inputed cost of saved energy (CSE) variables to perform its calculations.
I understand from the "Help for LEAP" that when using the CSE method, it is meant to evaluate energy intensity or activity changes (change in energy use) of a particular technology branch, with reference to a baseline. Can you confirm/clarify the following queries please:
- Category case: input CSE at the category level (folder containing 1 or more technologies) will yield the [net saved energy of all of the technologies under the category * CSE at the category level]. I can confirm this in my model.
- Technology case: input CSE for one or two or more technology branches will yield the [saved energy of that particular technology branch * CSE for that particular technology branch]. I can confirm this in my model.
- My original understanding for query 2 is based on a previous post topic: "Applying Cost of Saved Energy method when efficiency improvements occur by switching from one branch to another." In this post it is stated that if a branch incurs a negative saved energy (increases in energy use) and has a CSE, LEAP will give a negative resulting cost. I find that this is not true in my model, the calculation is only performed by LEAP if there is a positive saved energy result.
I have tested these in a "test model" (attached) to help clarify my queries. In this model there are two branches - one with multiple technology branches, one with one technology branch; there are two scenarios - one with category CSE, one with technology branch CSE.
Thank you,
2017-11-11 test model for CSE.leap [4]