• 83 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Peak loadSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Han Jiang 12/25/2017

    Hello Everyone,

    How is the peak load calculated in LEAP? The user just enter the load curve and % of Peak load, I wonder how to calculate the value of peak load.

    My regards!

  • Taylor Binnington 1/5/2018
      Best Response

    Hi Han,

    When entering system load information as a percentage of the peak load, then peak load P, in MW, is given by:

    P = A / [Sum_i s_i * h_i]


    A = annual energy demand in MWh,
    Sum_i indicates summation over all i time slices in the model,
    s_i = the percentage of peak load in slice i, given by your load curve,
    h_i = the width, in hours, of time slice i.

    Hope this helps,