• 127 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Energy Balance results from 2010 to 2040Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Patrick Yalis 5/13/2018

    Good morning,
    I'm currently working on Gabon's greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios. I got to know LEAP just 2 months ago.
    I found that the production of crude oil and natural gas dropped drastically after 2010. I do not know why. I need help.
    Attached Energy balances files.
    Thank you in advance.

    Attachments:  2010.xlsx [3] ,  2013.xlsx [2] ,  2030.xlsx [2]
  • Emily Ghosh 5/14/2018
      Best Response

    Hi Patrick,

    In 2010, natural gas production is higher than its requirements resulting in negative "Unmet Requirements" for natural gas (when unmet requirements are negative it means that the energy is wasted or unused). Without seeing the model itself, my first guess is that the Historical Production specified in the Gas Processing module is higher than the available capacity causing natural gas to be wasted. I recommend reviewing the Historical Production value and units, and ensure that they match natural gas demands in 2010 to prevent wastage. It also appears that there is no natural gas being processed in the Gas Processing module in 2013 and 2030, so I would check the inputs for the other variables in this module as well, including the capacity, efficiency, availability, etc. to make sure they aren't zero in the Reference scenario.

    As for crude oil, there is a high level of Exported crude oil in 2010 causing the crude oil production to be higher than the other years. I recommend checking the Resource Exports variable for crude oil under the Resources branch to ensure that the exports are correctly specified in all years.

    Hope this helps!

  • Patrick Yalis 5/16/2018
      Best Response

    Hi Emily,
    Thanks for your advices. I tried and it runs.
    thanks again.
    With regards.