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    Topic: Cancelled: Advanced LEAP Training Workshop: Panama, September 3-7 2018Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Charlie Heaps 6/19/2018


    SEI and the Fundacion Bariloche (FB) are sorry to announce that the Advanced LEAP Training Workshop, due to be held in Panama in September 2018 has been cancelled due to insufficient number of attendees. Based on feedback we have received from users, we now believe we did not give people enough time to get approval for attending the workshop. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused. We are still hoping to hold a similar event next year (2019) and will make sure next time to give people more time to get approval to attend and organize their travel.

  • Gregers Larsen 7/12/2018
      Best Response

    Any plans for further training sessions in 2018 other places in the world?

    We have multiple people that would be interested in advanced training in Indonesia, Denmark and China.


  • Maria Charfuelan 8/10/2018
      Best Response

    Dear charles,

    My name is Maria Jose and I started working with LEAP a few months ago. I intend to use the software in my doctoral research, and me and my teacher were very interested in doing the training that was going to happen in Panama, but that was canceled. Our research is a bit delayed and we have a bit of an urgency to do a LEAP training, so I would like to know if there is a possibility of training in this year, and we will bear the costs, because the resources for this purpose have already been assigned.

    I spoke with Instituto Bariloche, but they said that unfortunately there is no more programming for this year and the next training will only happen next year (a bit late for us that we had planned to have this training this year)

    I appreciate your response

    Maria José Charfuelan
    Federal University of ABC - Santo André Brazil.