• 156 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Cannot Account for large number of Vehicle Imports using Stock Turnover methodSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Tomás Mac Uidhir 11/29/2018

    Hi Everyone,

    I am having an issue incorporating vehicle imports when using the stock turnover method with LEAP. As it is not possible to have an increasing "Lifecycle Profile" for the "Survival Profile" I cannot see where I would include future sales of older vehicles?

    I will try to explain further with a small example: The base year is 2013 and and for a specific subset of vehicles there are approx. 2000 Total .. with only 100 of these being NEW vehicles sold in 2013 (i.e. Vintage = 0) ... In 2014 100% of these new vehicles remain but there are also 150 additional vehicles introduced into the system (2013 registered vehicles which are imports from UK)... This trend continues for some years, additional 2013 vehicles appearing in the system, until 2018 when there are no more imports of this 2013 vintage into the system.

    Is there a way to manage these imports of old vehicles that I am missing?

  • Emily Ghosh 12/3/2018
      Best Response

    Hi Tomas,

    Any vehicles that are sold in a given year assume the characteristics of a brand new vehicle. To incorporate the sales of older imported vehicles into your model, one suggestion would be to create separate branches for each vehicle vintage and import year, and assign a slightly modified survival and mileage profile to each branch. To LEAP, they would be seen as "new" vehicles, but by having adjusted survival and mileage profiles, it would reflect the characteristics of an older vehicle.

    For example, you could create branches called "2013 vehicles imported in 2014" and "2013 vehicles imported in 2015", etc. The survival and mileage profiles for the imported cars in 2014 would cover 24 years, in 2015 it would cover 23 years. The mileage profile would also need to be adjusted so that in Year 0, the mileage rate is at the Year 1 value (for a 2014 import) and Year 2 value (for a 2015 import). This is definitely a messy way of implementing this, but it could work!

    Hope this helps,

  • Gregers Larsen 12/4/2018
      Best Response

    I would:

    * Make new stock-turnover branches with the vehicles that will be imported.
    * Add import/Survival for the age you want to import
    * Set the Mileage to 0 for all years before import. Set Milage to a fraction similar to how many has been imported (do this with calculations and KeyAs, so it can show what you are doing later)

    Then the survival rate should fit!
    I am not totally sure how to deal with costs (investment costs, as they should follow import)