• 519 views | 8 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Results cannot be viewed beyond base yearSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Yessoh Gaudens Thecle Edjoukou 1/23/2019

    I am modelling the electricity sector of my country. I have got a demand and transformation module. Unfortunately, for my reference scenario, the results for the transformation module (outputs by output fuels, output by feedstock fuels, inputs do not show the years after the base year which is 2015. The study goes till 2030.
    Surprisingly, the results for the demand module (Energy demand final Units) and for transformation (capacity) are fine. I need to understand where the problem is. Thank you for your time

  • Emily Ghosh 1/23/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Yessoh,

    Thank you for providing the screenshots; it is very helpful. It appears that there is capacity available in all years, but the plants are not being dispatched beyond the base year, and therefore not generating any electricity. My guess is that some of the variables needed for the calculations have not been specified which is why you are getting this result.

    Please go back into Analysis View and check that the Process Share, Process Efficiency, and Maximum Availability variables all have values greater than zero. If they are 0, they will not generate energy. The reason why you have generation before the base year (or before the First Simulation Year), is because generation in these years are based on the values you inputted in the Historical Production tab.

    Hope this helps!

  • Charlie Heaps 1/23/2019
      Best Response

    In particular, if your Dispatch Rule is set to PercentShare then check the Process Share variable. I'm guessing the values are zeros in your scenarios.


  • Yessoh Gaudens Thecle Edjoukou 1/24/2019
      Best Response

    Hello Emily/ Charlie
    Thank you so much for your quick responses. Unfortunately it does seem that the problem comes from somewhere else. None of my variables for the items you talked about are zero as u can see from the screenshots. I did before a similar model but a larger scale (national scale) and the electricity generation module looks the same as what i built for the current work except that for my previous work, i listed all the power plants at the "current account".
    Here, for the current account, only 3 power plants are modelled. Two others are added up in the reference scenario. So, i still cannot figure out, what did i do wrong. Thanks to have a look again. I appreciate the time you take in this platform. Your work is awesome.
    A small suggestion. What don't you organise training webinars for students at lower prices. There are a lot of people who are interested in LEAP and would like to develop their skills. I am one of them. Thousand thanks

  • Emily Ghosh 1/25/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Yessoh,

    Thanks again for the screenshots. It does appear that the Electricity Generation module is inputted properly, but there is one more thing you could check. You should also ensure that there are sufficient resources (i.e. feedstock fuels) available for the power plants. To check this, go into the Resource branches, and ensure that the feedstock fuels have Base Year Reserves or Yields greater than zero (you can also write 'Unlimited' in the expression box if you there are sufficient domestic resources available). If the region is receiving imports, also write that in the "Resource Imports" variable.

    If this does not fix the issue, feel free to send a copy of your LEAP model, and I can take a look at the problem. To do this, go to "Area: Backup" to create a .LEAP file, then either reply to this message and attach the file, or email it to leap@sei.org.

    Hope this helps!

  • Yessoh Gaudens Thecle Edjoukou 1/26/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Emily,
    Thank you for your reply. It does not help, so I have attached a copy of my project for you to have a look.

    Attachments:  Cote d'Ivoire Electricity.leap [2]
  • Gregers Larsen 1/30/2019
      Best Response

    1 Like

    As a general rule for these kinds of errors, I find it that it helps a lot to run the "Energy Balance" results and looking at the tables.

    I would look for:

    -Import/Export of resources. If You have no production, but large imports, Your resources might be off. Your price difference between resources and imported electricity might be off. I You both import and export a lot, Your pricing benefit for exporting might be larger than Your import cost and Your domestic price.

  • Yessoh Gaudens Thecle Edjoukou 2/1/2019
      Best Response

    Good morning Sir,
    I have been working on your suggestions for 2 days unsuccessfully. I have started from scratch but I still cannot figure out why i have mostly no results beyond the current account time line. I have looked at the balance sheet and noticed there is no electricity generation starting 2016 which is the first scenarion year up to 2030 which is the last scenario year. I input all the data though. I am a bit lost at the moment. Please would you mind having a glance on my project (file attached). I need to know what is wrong because this is part of an academic work. Thank you

    Attachments:  Ivory Coast Power Sector.leap [2]