I am modelling the electricity sector of my country. I have got a demand and transformation module. Unfortunately, for my reference scenario, the results for the transformation module (outputs by output fuels, output by feedstock fuels, inputs do not show the years after the base year which is 2015. The study goes till 2030.Surprisingly, the results for the demand module (Energy demand final Units) and for transformation (capacity) are fine. I need to understand where the problem is. Thank you for your timeRegardsYessoh
Hi Yessoh,
In particular, if your Dispatch Rule is set to PercentShare then check the Process Share variable. I'm guessing the values are zeros in your scenarios.
Hi Yessoh,
1 Like As a general rule for these kinds of errors, I find it that it helps a lot to run the "Energy Balance" results and looking at the tables.