• 226 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Sudden Drop in GenerationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Daniel Massaga 2/1/2019

    Hi guys,
    I'm experiencing a problem with my model in the results section of generating facilities. Electricity generation from Natural gas for example, in 2015 especially drops by a huge amount which sets off the accuracy of my results. I have tried to change the merit orders, the costs, the exogeneous capacities but production is always constant just shares of resources in the total generation is what changes. Also, there's no production from fuel oil past 2014. Please find an attached image of the results.

    Please help, what else should I look into?

    Screenshot (34).png
  • Taylor Binnington 2/12/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Daniel -

    Without getting into the mixture of fuels used to generate the electricity, let's first focus on the drop in production compared with 2014. Without seeing your Analysis view I can only guess, but I would suspect that if you have entered Historical Production for 2014, that you have entered more than the module is required the generate. Then in 2015 (if that is the First Simulation Year for your processes), LEAP dispatches your processes to meet requirements, following the Dispatch Rule variable.

    I would check the results Transformation: Requirements and Transformation: Exports to see whether you have specified more Historical Production than is needed in 2014.

    Hope this helps,

  • Daniel Massaga 3/1/2019
      Best Response