• 166 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: No se muestran resultados para ningun añoSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Karen Daniela 2/21/2019

    Buenas tardes,

    Actualmente me encuentro realizando un modelo para calcular las emisiones de contaminantes en el sector industrial, el año base es el 2014 y el año final es el 2050. El problema que presento es que al llenar todos los datos en cada rama y quiero ver los resultados, este no arroja ningún dato. quisiera saber en que parte del programa puedo introducir los datos del crecimiento industrial y que mas tengo que agregar y del año 2015 para que me pueda arrojar los resultados.

    Espero que puedan ayudarme, gracias.

    Good afternoon,

    I am currently doing a model to calculate the emissions of pollutants in the industrial sector, the base year is 2014 and the final year is 2050. The problem that I present is that when filling all the data in each branch and I want to see the results , this does not yield any data. I would like to know in which part of the program I can enter the data of industrial growth and what else I have to add and the year 2015 so that I can show the results.

    I hope you can help me, thanks

  • Emily Ghosh 2/22/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Karen,

    At a minimum, you need to ensure that you input data in the Activity Level and Final Energy Intensity variables for each of the industrial demand branches.

    If you haven't already done this yet, I highly recommend reviewing the training materials, in particular Exercises 1 and 2, as it goes through the different inputs required to model energy demands. The training exercises can be found here: https://www.energycommunity.org/default.asp?action=trainingmaterials
