Dear Sir,
I am currently working on developing an integrated energy system for a country which has a Combined Cycle Generation Plant coupled with a Desalination Plant. One way of modeling the Desalination Plant that needs LEAP support clarification is
1) Heating source: to utilize CHP as the output, heat (MW thermal) is used as input power for the thermal desalination plants (MSF and MED).
2) Representing thermal desalination plants as Energy demand for heat with a cost depending on its investment costs
3) an exogenous optimisation model to delete on which desalination plant shall be more utilised based on water demand forecast.
If I have the data, that Electrical Efficiency is 45%, Thermal Efficiency is 51% and Overall Efficiency is 96%, so then does 45% go under "Process efficiency" and 51% go under "Coproduct efficiency"? (Heat is co-product)