Hi Ron,
So sorry for the delay in responding.
As you may have noticed, LEAP's fuels database may not have all of the fuels that are in your analysis. You can always add a new fuel to the database by going into General:Fuels, and using the green plus (+) button to add a fuel. When adding a fuel, you can inherit the properties of another fuel (for instance, diesel for biodiesel), and then change specific characteristics, like energy content, density, etc. afterwards.
As for the stock and sales share (or any variable in LEAP really), unless you specify a year, such as through the Data() or Interp() functions, the value you enter in the expression applies for all years in the analysis. If you do specify the year, it applies for that year and onwards.
Generally, if a variable requires an expression, you would need to enter something in it. So you can't really leave the Stock, Sales, Stock Share and Sales Share variables blank or 0, unless it is intentional. Also, note that at any given branch you are entering either the Stock and Sales or the Stock Share and Sales Share, not both.
Hope this helps!