• 237 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Base year valueSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Alperen Sari 3/11/2019

    While I try to imlement exercise 1 to a generic ship at the defining transformation section I can view base year valeu as a 0.Can you help me about this problem.

    Attachments:  Base year value.pdf [8] ,  SEA OF CHEMICAL TANKER.leap [7]
  • Taylor Binnington 3/13/2019
      Best Response

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    Hi Alperen -

    LEAP displays these values to indicate what the *effective* availability of the power plant would have been in the Base Year, taking into account its Exogenous Capacity and its Historical Production. The value of "0.00" that you observe is equal to (Historical Production[MWh]) / (Exogenous Capacity[MW] * 8760), and is shown in the Maximum Availability variable only for your reference.

    Hope this helps,

  • Alperen Sari 3/13/2019
      Best Response

    Thank you Taylor, it worked. Finally i want to analyze CO2 emissions and reduce CO2 emissions. I examine all of your exercise but i can't decide which one i shoul use. Can you give me an advice about that? thank you again.
  • Arsalan Hussain 3/18/2019
      Best Response

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    Hi Alperen Sari,

    In the base year, LEAP calculate itself "Maximum Availability" from your base year value of exogenous and Historical production.
    For example:
    Maximum Availability= Historical production [MWh]/ (Exogenous capacity [MW]*8760)

    I think, you have entered Historical production or Exogenous capacity zero that's why you are getting zero value in base year.

    Arsalan Hussain