• 195 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: intermittent power plantSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Juan Garcia 3/15/2019

    Good day,

    I'm trying to simulate a sugar cane bagasse power plant, my problem is that these type of power plants do not operate from May to October. How can I tell LEAP to not consider the dispatch of these power plants during that period of the year.

    Best regards

  • Taylor Binnington 3/18/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Juan -

    The Maximum Availability variable allows you to include information that varies with time slice. So, if (for example) you have established different time slices for each month, you may use the YearlyShape or TimeSliceValue functions to zero the availability of the process during these months.

    Hope this helps,

  • Juan Garcia 3/18/2019
      Best Response

    Thank you Taylor for your response,

    I have the following issue:

    I did what you are propossing, but when I run the base year LEAP shows a warning message saying "Historical production is non-zero but no capacity is available". The bagasse technology doesn't produce electricity during May to October (in the yearly shape of availability I assign zero value to this slices), but it does produce electricity the rest of the year, that is why I have an historical production defined but it seems that LEAP find a conflict with this.

    I tried to solve this by assigning 0.001 as availability value in those time slices and it did work but I not quiet sure if what I did is a valid option

    best regards

    warining message.png
  • Taylor Binnington 4/2/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Juan -

    I remember this, and recall once doing exactly as you have done - assigning a very small availability for the years between the First Scenario Year and the First Simulation Year (i.e. the period using the Historical Production variable). In fact, since Historical Production is unaffected by the Maximum Availability variable, you can select any availability you wish as long as you "correct" it in the First Simulation Year, when LEAP begins to do its own dispatch calculations.
