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    Topic: Fuel Conversion - quick questionSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Chibulu Luo 3/21/2019


    I was wondering where in LEAP I can get data and references to fuel converions:

    For example, I'd like to convert 100kwh of electricity to GJ, or 100kg of charcoal to GJ?

    Is there a source that LEAP is using for these conversions to total energy?

    Thank you so much!

  • Taylor Binnington 4/2/2019
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hi Chibulu -

    Look into LEAP's Fuels database to see energy contents of different fuels. For converstion factors among different units, you may look into the Units database.

    In either of these databases, you are also free to create your own fuels or units, and assign any properties to them than you wish.

    Hope this helps,