Hi Emily, I was able to find the solution for that problem from one of your previous posts.
I have encountered another problem, my model is an optimization model and my results do not make sense to me especially in capacity added and therefore it affects the whole electricity generation mix.
1. I have tried to limit the maximum capacity additions parameter but still, I face problems capacity added especially endogenous capacity. From what I understand, LEAP adds endogenous capacity to maintain the reserve margin but I already set my reserve margin to 0, why does LEAP add the capacities?
I used functions such as "If(year<2023, 0, 100)" or "Step(2018,0,2023, Unlimited)" but as it can be seen in my attachments SC76, either there's a huge jump in capacity added when I use the unlimited function or just constant values added that are given in the if function. How do I solve this? And do capacity credit values affect the overall results in optimization models especially if I'm using availability shapes.
Thank you in advance.