• 114 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Cannot Show the Electricity Generation in FutureSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Hanif Furqon 3/24/2019

    I just set a new area to get energy analysis in the future. I have set the demand data according to the statistic in the past year and some historical data of electricity generation. I assume the electricity generation is constant in the scenario. But when I calculate the analysis, the chart only shows a single data of the base year. I have provided the attachment of my file and the screenshot.

    Attachments:  Indonesia Analysis.leap [2]
  • Taylor Binnington 4/2/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Hanif -

    This is because after the First Simulation Year, you have told LEAP to dispatch using the PercentShare rule, but all of the Process Share variables are still zet equal to zero.

    Hope this helps,