• 110 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: IBC for baseyear later than 2010Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Gregers Larsen 4/2/2019

    1 Like

    Hello LEAP team!

    I would like to utilise the IBC to my Indonesian model, but the baseyear for this is 2017.

    Any plans to make the base year more flexible. Why is it specifically 2010?


  • Charlie Heaps 4/2/2019
      Best Response


    Currently LEAP requires that 2010 is the base year for any national-scale model using IBC. That's because IBC's calculations use satellite readings for the concentrations in 2010. Thereafter, the change in emissions versus 2010 are used to drive the calculation of the change in concentrations and subsequent calculations of impacts. For this reason it is unlikely that we will be changing from 2010 any time soon (as it would require IBC to be recalibrated for every country).
