• 118 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: addition of solar in intervention scenerioSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Raj Kumar K C 4/2/2019

    Dear all,
    In one of the scenario,intervention i needed was to have solar pv penetration by 25% by 2025 and 50% by 2040.
    My problem is i cannot add solar device in the demand size because i used end use device in some branch example: an electric appliance, I have sub-branch of TV,CRT, Refrigerator ,iron etc adding solar pv tv,crt iron i need to have saturation in there share.
    Instead of that i have extrapolated the solar pv penetration in supply side but it increases the cost,in NPV calculation.
    how to penetrate the solar pv by 25% by 2025 and 50% by 2040.

  • Emily Ghosh 4/16/2019
      Best Response

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    Hi Raj Kumar,

    If you want off-grid solar PV to substitute grid electricity generation processes, you will need to adjust the amount of capacity added by the processes in the Grid Electricity module. Otherwise you will have more capacity than required to meet electricity demands. The more capacity that is added, the higher the costs that are seen in the NPV results.

    There are couple ways that LEAP adds capacity: either Exogenously where you specify the amount of capacity that is added, or Endogenously where LEAP determines the amount of capacity that needs to be added based on demands. To learn more about specifying capacity, refer to the following help page:

    Also, you may want to rearrange the order of your modules by placing the Off-Grid Electricity module above the Grid Electricity module so that the electricity demands and capacity requirements are first met by off-grid processes. To do this, select the Off-Grid Electricity module branch, and use the blue arrow above the tree to move the branch.

    Hope this helps,