In order to evaluate power sector costs, you will first need to enable cost calculations in LEAP by going into Basic Params: Scope & Scale and checking the "Costs" checkbox under Scope. After doing this, you will see cost variables at each branch. In the Transformation Process branches, additional variables can include Capital Cost, Fixed O&M Cost, Variable O&M Cost and Stranded Cost. In the Transformation Feedstock Fuel branches, you will see a Fuel Cost variable. You will need to input unit cost data into these variables in order to do a power sector cost analysis.
You can also set the cost boundary through Basic Params: Costs. If you are only interested in the power sector, change the "Cost-benefit Calculation Boundary" to the transformation module associated with this sector. You can also input a Discount rate and Inflation rate, and choose a Capital cost Annualization Method in this tab.
Once you have entered cost data and parameters, you can view cost results in Results View.
For more information on the above, refer to the following help pages:
I also recommend reviewing training exercise #6 to familiarize yourself with LEAP's costing features. Here is the link to the training materials:
Hope this helps,