• 199 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Problem with my areaSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rocío Guido 4/3/2019

    Hello everybody! How is it going?

    I have a problem with my LEAP area, the following sign apears (Attachments: Doc1), and I can´t continue to work in that area. I try to save it with another name, and continue working in the knew one, but it doesn´t work. Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

    Thank you very much,


    Attachments:  Doc1.pdf [3]
  • Emily Ghosh 4/15/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Rocío,

    Sorry for the delay in responding. Unfortunately, it is unclear from the error message what the problem is. Can you provide us with more information, such as what you were doing in LEAP before the error occurred?


  • Rocío Guido 9/2/2019
      Best Response

    Hello Emily, thank u very much for answering. The problem in my area started when I entered the time slices and the Peak Load Shape. After that, I couldn´t get acces to the Electric Generation tree brand, and then the program just shuts down. If I delete the Peak Load Shape, I can continue working in my area, so I asume that the problem is there, but I don´t know what to do to fix it.

    Thank u very much,


  • Emily Ghosh 9/3/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Rocio,

    Are you still having this problem in the latest version of LEAP (version 2018.1.27)?
