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    Topic: Adding data to Primary Energy ProductionSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Norghani Mdnor 4/4/2019


    I have more than one energy source as the primary energy source in my energy analysis as you see in the attached screenshot.
    I can add data for import and export of Primary production easily. But I cannot enter data for production of Primary production.

    How can I add data for production of Primary resources?
    and in which section can I do it?

    Thanks for your cooperation.

    Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at 8.17.01 AM.png
  • Emily Ghosh 4/15/2019
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hi Norghani,

    Primary energy cannot be "produced" in the same way as secondary energy, but you can represent their availability in LEAP in the following ways.

    For fossil fuels, you can enter total domestic reserves in the "Base Year Reserves" variable in Current Accounts, and subsequent additions to reserves in the "Additions to Reserves" variable. These variables represent the total potential of a domestic fossil resource, but to show its production rate - or the rate that these resources are extracted from the ground, such as through mining processes - you will need to create a new transformation module. For example, you can create a Coal Mining module with a process that has the total mining capacity represented in the Exogenous Capacity variable. Note that if coal is being used for electricity generation, you will need to ensure the Coal Mining module is placed below the Electricity Generation module.

    For renewable resources, you can enter the maximum annual available yield in the Yield variable for each resource listed under the Resources branches.

    Hope this helps,

  • Norghani Mdnor 4/15/2019
      Best Response

    Dear Emily Ghosh,

    Thank you for the explanation.
    I will try it.

    Best regards,

  • Norghani Mdnor 4/17/2019
      Best Response

    Dear Emily,

    I follow the instruction as you said. But in the end, this data does not appear in Energy Balance (Fossil fuel and renewable energy).
    Is there a special section in LEAP: that I should enter their primary production value to view them in energy Balance?

    Best regards

  • Taylor Binnington 5/6/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Norghani -

    Primary production is a result calculated by LEAP based on your demand and transformation analysis, and the availability of domestic fossil reserves (or yield of renewables). It is not a value that is input into LEAP, but rather an output of your analysis. The "Production" row in LEAP's Energy Balance view can be calculated from the following other rows in the table:

    "Total Primary Supply" - "Imports" + "Exports" (minus "Unmet Requirements", if there are insufficient domestic resources to meet these requirements)

    Hope this helps,