• 82 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Problem running the results in %27Detailed%27 branch under Road in TransportSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Bianca Yalong 4/15/2019


    We are currently working on a LEAP file on transport. We are given the following data: distance travelled per road (mileage); the number of vehicles per vehicle (stock of vehicles); the emission factor; the amount of diesel/gasoline burned per vehicle annually (kg); and the fuel economy (l/km); We have tried to input it into a category with no energy intensity. However, whenever we try to run it it generates no results in that particular section (Detailed under Road in Transport). For SImple, it produces results.

    Also, we tried putting 0 for the Key Assumptions > Transport... for detailed method does not generate results. Putting 1 for simple method in Key Assumptions > Transport...

    We would like to ask what could possibly go wrong in what we are doing and what possible course of actions should we do in order to successfully produce results from the Detailed section. We're not so sure if there's something wrong with the expression as specified in the photo we attached, as we also do not completely understand how to work with it.

    We are hoping for a response as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you.

    Thank you very much.

    Results for Detailed (Transport).png
  • Emily Ghosh 4/16/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Bianca,

    Based on your screenshot, the expression you have written in the Activity Level variable for the Detailed branch is multiplying a value by 0. which is why you are getting 0 in the results. You may want to multiply by 1 instead, so that the expression becomes:

    1 * (1 - Key\Transport\SimpleRoadTransport[One or Zero])

    Hope this helps,