• 84 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: problem with growthAsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Pedro Gerber 4/15/2019

    Hello everyone,

    I have just started my baseline sceario and I am having problems with the GrowthAs function. When I use it, it simply does not read the growth in the key variable I am selecting. i am sending you a print screen of the activity level variable and the key assumption variable. Am I using any wronge syntax?

    It would help a lot with moving forward with my model,

    Best regards

    image (1).png
  • Taylor Binnington 5/6/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Pedro -

    What version of LEAP are you currently running? I'm not able to reproduce this on my PC.

    Based on your screenshots, it looks like you're implementing the function correctly. Note that the optional elasticity parameter defaults to 1.0, so there is no need to include it explicitly. Do you see the problem if you exclude this optional argument?

    Just a suggestion: if you rename your population key assumption to exclude accented characters, does this fix the issue? If so, this would indicate a bug in LEAP.
