Hello everyone.
I am having some issues with my transport analysis. We have inserted all the data that is demanded by the transport sector, including lifecycle profiles of sales, vintage profiles of fleets and fuel economy.
I am sending you my Area called São Paulo. I am also sending some printscreens so you can see the problem. There are three types of vehicles, on usingo nly ethanol, another one using only gasoline and flex fuels, using both. The fuel economy of flex vehicles (consume ethanol and gasoline) inserted was 6.9 km/l of ethanol and 9.8 km/l of gasoline but, for some reason, the on-road average economy for flex fuels is much higher than the single-fuel vehicles. In my mind, it should be at least between gasoline and ethanol.
It would be great if someone had an idea of what is happening.
Thank you,
São Paulo_transport.leap [3]