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    Topic: Exercise 1.3.2Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Hanna Strömberg 9/6/2019


    In exercise 1.3.2 you are supposed to build your demand tree and enter data. However I cannot add an additional level to my tree. At the moment it looks like this: see file "My current demand tree".

    The tree should contain two additional levels under "Cooking" in the Urban area. The two other categories should be "Electric" and "Gas". Some percentage of people cook with gas stoves and some with electric stoves.

    Which buttons should I press to be able to add these to categories and then enter the relevant data in "Activity Level" and "Energy Intensity"? It feels as if I have tried everything so I would really appreciate the help.

    Thank you!


    My current demand tree.PNG
  • Emily Ghosh 9/6/2019
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hi Hanna,

    The end-use branches (i.e. Lighting, Cooking, etc.) are supposed to be the yellow Category branch type, similar to the branch type used for Rural, Electrified, etc. You will need to delete the end-use branches using the red minus (-) button and then add them back in with the correct branch type using the green plus (+) button.

    Should you get stuck again in the future, I recommend comparing your model to the completed version of the Freedonia model built into LEAP. To do this, be sure to save your model, then open Freedonia through the main menu from Area --> Open, and then see the completed version of the exercise you are working on through Area --> Revert to Version.

    Hope this helps!