• 136 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Output of a module is less than expectedSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Dario Slaifstein 10/13/2019

    I am having a problem with the output of a given module.
    The resulting Electricity Output of a power plant (exogenous capacity, max. availability and dispatched rule have all been set) is less than what it is expected, by several orders of magnitude.
    From the attached Sankey Diagram, we can see the following:
    My powerplant "Vehi­culos Electricos" receives electricity from "Transporte y Distribucion EE" and then gives it to "Gen Distribuida". Then " Gen Distribuida" passes it to the Electricity fuel to be allocated to Demands.
    The thing is that "Vehi­culos Electricos" should receive electricity from "Transporte y Distribucion EE" and then inject it in Electricity, without passing through the "Gen Distribuida" module!
    Maybe the "Gen Distribuida" is acting as a bottle neck (constraining) to the "Vehi­culos Electricos " output.
    How can this two modules be in parallel?
    Thanks in advance,

  • Emily Ghosh 10/24/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Dario,

    LEAP's calculations work from the top down. The demands specified in the demand branches are calculated first, then the energy demand requirements are passed to the transformation branches where the calculations are done in order from the top transformation module to the last.

    It is unclear exactly what the purpose of Gen Distribuida is, but it is not possible to have two modules calculated in parallel. LEAP will try to meet the energy demands with the top module, and will pass any additional requirements to the modules further down that have the same output fuel, or to the resources branch. Since the Gen Distribuida module is at the very top, it is the first module trying to meet the electricity demands. You'll need to reorder the modules if you want the calculations to occur in a different sequence, or create different fuels for different purposes if they have specific demands and come from different sources (for example, Electricity Transport and Electricity Other).

    Hope this helps!