I am trying to model household appliances using the Stock Analysis method, BUT I DO NOT HAVE Annual Sales data.
I have annual appliance diffusion data to enter into LEAP, which when multiplied with annual number of households, will give me the total stocks in each year.
But I want to make use of LEAP's Stock turnover analysis, and I considered that this equation should be able to work:
Annual Sales (for appliance x, in year y) = Stock (x, in year y) - Stock (x, in year y-1) + Retirements (x, in year y-1)
I added the Retirement variable to account for the replacement of appliances that were retired in the previous year.
However, I have been unable to get the term "Stock (x, in year y-1)" into the expression.
That has got me stuck, and I have not been able to check that I can adequately incorporate the final term either.
I thought it would be possible to use PrevYearValue(), but I received an error that stock turnover analysis cannot make use of Results.
Can anyone help me with another way around this please, or a better way to obtain what I am trying to achieve, with the data that I have.
Thank you very much in advance.
I have attached my model. The issue is in the Tester scenario. In the first service type under the Demand branch.
ethiopia_2017_14022020.leap [2]