• 264 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: This is not going to work.:Dragging and dropping branches from the main tree to add branch/variablesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Yong Zhou 2/15/2020

    The 2018.0.1.37(64-Bit) of LEAP maybe have some problem.
    • This is not going to work.

    • Dragging and dropping branches from the main tree to add branch/variables references to an expression.

  • Charlie Heaps 2/20/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Yong,

    Sorry for the problems. A couple of thoughts:

    1. Yes, dragging a dropping branches can be a bit flaky. Often the software will think you are clicking on a new tree branch so it ends up losing its place. I will try and improve this in a future version of LEAP. It usually works better to drop into the Expression builder rather than an expression shown in the main data table But even so I know this can be frustrating.

    2. So in the meantime, I suggest you use two other approaches for creating variable references. You can either type a reference in the builder manually. LEAP will help you by autocompleting: popping up a list of branch names whenever you press the "\" key. Alternatively press Ctrl-B to pop up the Branch/Variable selection wizard.

    I hope this helps!


  • Charlie Heaps 2/21/2020
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hi again Yong,

    I've implemented a small change in 2018.1.38 that should improve this. Now, if you are editing an expression in the Expression Builder tab (bottom part of the screen) and you drag a branch from the tree, it won't accidentally select another tree branch. The first time you drag and drop it will pop up a message saying the tree branch cannot be changed. Click the box marked "Don't show me this again". Thereafter things should work more smoothly.

    I've also made a few other changes to delay showing the branch, function and time-series wizard popups that should make editing a bit smoother.

    Let me know if this helps.
