• 217 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Help with Calculation of EmissionsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Siddiqua Mahmud 2/24/2020

    Hey Everyone,
    I am working on the transport section of the LEAP, as my research is about Air Pollution. My question is how LEAP calculates the emission of pollutants? My calculations are not similar to the one as calculated by LEAP. Kindly help me please to solve this matter.
    Waiting for some positive response.

  • Utsavshree Rajbhandari 3/12/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Siddiqua,

    LEAP in general uses it's built in emission factors (which are based in fuel types and their specific contents.
    If your calculations are based emission factors specific to your area, the result would be surely different.
    However you can always adjust the emission factors in Avg Environmental Loading tab as per your requirement.

  • Siddiqua Mahmud 4/4/2020
      Best Response

    Thank you for your reply Sir.
    But I'm using my own emission factors taken from the literature in Environmental Loading Tab but the results calculated by me are different from the ones calculated by LEAP, using the same formula in LEAP for emission calculations.
    What would be the possible reason of this error the?

    Waiting for your kind response.
