>>Since there is no plug-in hybrid car in the training exercise, what is the best way to enter such a car? Should I follow the same logic entering a category with 50/50 gasoline and electricity? Should it be a different share? Thanks in advance.
In a model I have been working on recently, I first model the number of vehicles (as an activity level variable) and then (in a lower level activity level branch) I model the annual distance driven per vehicle (ann km/veh). That way, I end up calculating the total vehicle-km in my activity level branches and I can then enter energy intensities as energy/veh-km (e.g. liters/veh-km) or (kWh/veh-km). The way I have been handling plug-ins is to specify two separate technology branches in LEAP: one for distant driven on electricity and one for distance driven on gasoline. See illustration.
But I suspect this may change over time as batteries get bigger and charging becomes more convenient. The good thing about this approach is that you can specify separate emission factors for gasoline vs electric driving (combustion emissions only relevant for gasoline, but PM2.5 and black carbon emissions relevant for both).
Hope this helps!