• 259 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Transferring text file version of LEAP to OSeMOSYSSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Clément Reinvaldt 4/8/2020


    The 2015 OSeMOSYS user manual (Moksnes et al., 2015) shows how to export a LEAP scenario to OSeMOSYS in the form of a text file.

    Either the guide is outdated or I am unable to properly understand how to do it - either way, I am having trouble exporting a scenario from LEAP to OSeMOSYS. I am interested in doing this as modelling the impact of energy efficiency in an end-use technology on final demand is impossible in OSeMOSYS, whereas in LEAP one can simulate the impact of efficiency changes on final demand.

    Could you please let me know how one can export LEAP scenarios to OSeMOSYS in an appropriate text file format?

    Thank you.


  • Charlie Heaps 4/8/2020
      Best Response

    >>The 2015 OSeMOSYS user manual (Moksnes et al., 2015) shows how to export a LEAP scenario to OSeMOSYS in the form of a text file.
    I could not find that file so cannot comment on it. Can you provide the URL? Other users might find it useful.

    >>Could you please let me know how one can export LEAP scenarios to OSeMOSYS in an appropriate text file format?

    Since this is a question about OSeMOSYS you may be better served by asking it on the OSeMOSYS community web site: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/osemosys, but let me also try to help you...

    In LEAP, if you are using a scenario that makes use of OSeMOSYS, then LEAP will automatically write an OSeMOSYS data file whenever it calculates that scenario. The files are stored in the LEAP working path and, to save space, are not automatically saved back into the LEAP area folder when you click the Save button. However, you can have LEAP save the files saved to your LEAP area folder (normally My Documents\LEAP Areas\Area) if you got to the Optimization tab of the Basic Parameters screen in LEAP and switch on "Keep Intermediate Results". You need to set this option for each area you are working on.

    Once that is done, you should find that LEAP saves files named "OpDataX.txt" in your LEAP areas folder where X is the ID of each particular scenario that was calculated. These files are the input files to OSeMOSYS. You can open the files in any standard text editor such as notepad. By the way, I should add that LEAP does quite a good job of formatting these text files to make them as readable as possible, so it is quite a nice way of generating inputs to OSeMOSYS! :) Similarly, the OSeMOSYS results are written to file SelectedResultsX.txt.

    Finally, let me also give you a heads-up. In LEAP2020 (which will be released very soon - next few weeks) we are introducing a brand new optimization framework called NEMO in addition to OSeMOSYS. NEMO has certain advantages over OSeMOSYS. It is faster for large problem sets, being written in a new mathematical programming called Julia developed at MIT; it can work with a much wider range of solvers including free solvers (GLPK, BC) and industrial grade solvers (CPLEX, GUROBI, MOSEK); and it is much better able to model energy storage. LEAP does not support modeling of energy storage with OSeMOSYS. Like OSeMOSYS, NEMO will also be open source. We will continue to support OSeMOSYS in LEAP but we are going to put our future development efforts into NEMO.

    Hope this helps!
