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    Topic: Webinar - LEAP 2020 - A Major New Version of the SEI Platform for Low Emission Development PlanningSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Charlie Heaps 5/8/2020


    Update: Still a few places left for the second webinar tomorrow! See below...


    After more than 18 months of development, SEI will soon be releasing a major new version of LEAP: our flagship decision support system for integrated planning of energy, climate change mitigation and air pollution abatement.

    We will be hosting two one-hour Zoom webinars to demonstrate some of the capabilities of this new version, named LEAP 2020. The first webinar will be on May 19th at 06:00 EST/12:00 CEST. The second will be on May 20th at 11:00 EST/17:00 CEST. We hope you can join us!

    LEAP 2020, has significant new capabilities making it more useful for developing low emission development strategies. Highlights include:

    • Energy storage modeling coupled with more detailed and flexible modeling of seasonal and time-of-day variations in energy demand & supply: vital for examining the potential for variable renewables like wind and solar to drive deep decarbonization.

    • A new optimization modeling framework called NEMO (Next Energy Modeling system for Optimization), which supports modeling of energy storage, larger optimization problems, and works with multiple free and commercial solvers.

    • New visualizations of results important for mitigation analysis, including Marginal Abatement Cost Curves (MACCs) and decomposition analysis based on the IPAT methodology.

    • Capabilities for modeling the health impacts of indoor air pollution and for disaggregating results by age and gender: helping to show how energy strategies can contribute to broader sustainable development goals (SDGs).

    • GIS-based mapping capabilities including the ability to create geographic projections of likely future emissions hot spots, which can be used to highlight the importance of environmental justice in energy planning.

    These capabilities have been added, all while improving the usability of LEAP, making it more accessible than ever to planners working on sustainable energy solutions.

    Come and join SEI's LEAP development team as they walk through some of its new capabilities and tell you how to get access to the new version. The webinar will be led by Charlie Heaps, the developer of LEAP, who will be accompanied by Jason Veysey, the developer of NEMO, and Silvia Ulloa, a researcher and LEAP trainer at SEI. Following an introduction and demonstration of the tool, we will take questions from the audience.

    The webinar will be hosted on Zoom and is open to all. Registration is required, which can be done below using Eventbrite: