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    Topic: YearlyShape errorSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Gustavo Barbarán 5/21/2020


    I'm building this model with a yearly shape imported from excel, which sums up 100,00. When I try to run it, LEAP displays an error windows telling me that the sum of the yearly fractions don't sum up 100,00, but 99,6. When I go to yearly shapes, I find out that in the yearly shapes that I made the last fraction of year is not displayed (I have 12 months and 24 hours in each month, i.e. 288 fractions). Well, the last fraction; december 24, is not displayed, and that's my 0,4% that is missing.

    I exported the yearly shape to an excel file that I attach, you can clearly see there that the 24th hour of december is missing.

    Update, I posted a picture of the last season (december) of a yearlyshape imported, and is missing the last fraction.

    Thanks in advance!

    Anotación 2020-05-27 143632.png
    Attachments:  Libro2.xlsx [3]