• 175 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Technology progress modelling of renewable energySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Hyungsik Choi 5/21/2020

    Dear LEAP modeler

    I wonder how can I simulate technology progress in efficiency and investment costs of renewable energies in LEAP.
    What I found was those parameters are static in the model. Can I change those parameters in scenarios?
    Please, tell me if you know any methods for those modelling in LEAP.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Charlie Heaps 5/22/2020
      Best Response

    1 Like

    >>I wonder how can I simulate technology progress in efficiency and investment costs of renewable energies in LEAP. What I found was those parameters are static in the model.

    Hi there,

    No, variables in LEAP (including costs and all other variables) are not static. All variables in LEAP can be specified dynamically using LEAP's underlying data definition language. Variables can change over time and also vary among different scenarios and different regions. Please look at the large number of underlying functions that let you specify how variable changes over time. You may want to start by looking at the Growth and Interp functions. Please refer to the LEAP help file for more information. You can even create your own more sophisticated expressions. For example, the decline in capital cost of solar technologies could be made to be a function of how many MW of capacity are installed - an example of a "learning curve".

    I hope this helps!


  • Hyungsik Choi 5/24/2020
      Best Response

    Thanks for your quick reply to my question. I will try to figure out how to implement it in LEAP soon.