• 328 views | 7 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: NEMOSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Felicia Sutomo 5/24/2020

    1 Like

    Dear All,

    I have updated the LEAP 2020 version and wanted to try the storage analysis. I have installed NEMO and have switched the optimization to NEMO CPLEX (I have CPLEX Solver and have been using it for LEAP previous ver). I just opened the optimization exercise module and added storage analysis in the template.
    But when click the result analysis, there is error message : failed to run JULIA/NEMO branch: transformation/electricity generation. The error message is similar when I switched to optimization NEMO GLPK. Could you please help me solve this issue?

    Thank you.

    Best regards,

    Attachments:  error NEMO.pdf [10]
  • Charlie Heaps 5/24/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Felicia - this sounds like a teething problem with LEAP2020. I think that message indicates that LEAP is unable to "see" Julia. Would you be able to do a quick zoom or skype call with me to investigate further? Meantime, can you copy and paste the contents of the Help:About screen so I have more info on your PC and LEAP setup?

    Please email me at charlie.heaps@sei.org so we can setup a call.



  • Wulf Boie 5/27/2020
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hi Charlie

    I have the same problem but with the GLPK solver. I tried it with my own file and with the optimisation example delivered with LEAP 2020 but get the same error with both files.

    best regards


    Attachments:  Optimisation problem.pdf [7]
  • Charlie Heaps 5/27/2020
      Best Response

    Thanks Wulf - I am going to investigate further today and will get back to you both ASAP.
  • Felicia Sutomo 5/27/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Charlie,

    Please see the content of LEAP-about below. I have reinstalled the NEMO but the result is same. I`m waiting for your feedback.

    Thank you.

    System Information
    Version: 2020.1.0.2 (64-Bit)
    Dictionary Version: 455
    Program Folder: "E:\Program\LEAP2020\"
    Areas Folder: "C:\Users\User\Documents\LEAP Areas\"
    Settings Folder: "C:\Users\User\Documents\LEAP Areas\_Settings\"
    Instance: 1
    MapWinGIS Installed: No
    Registered for Automation: No
    TSC64 64-Bit DLL for Scripting: No ()
    GLPK: 4.65 (64-Bit)
    NEMO: Yes
    Julia: "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia\Julia-1.4.0\bin\"
    Registered to: "feliciasutomo91@gmail.com" until November 13, 2021
    User Name: User
    Current Area
    Area Name: Optimization Exercise2020
    Base Year: 2010
    End Year: 2020
    First Scenario Year: 2011
    Scope: [Demand, Transform, Costs, Emissions]
    Scenarios: 6 (COAL, OPT, GAS, WIND, HYDRO, CO2)
    Time Slices: 8 (Winter Day, Winter Night, Spring Day, ...)
    Microsoft Windows
    Version: Windows 10 Education, 64 Bit
    Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
    Running as: Standard User
    BDE Installed: No
    Excel Installed: Yes
    Word Installed: Yes
    PowerPoint Installed: Yes
    Wine: No
    Screen Resolution: 1280 x 720 pixels
    Date Format: m/d/yyyy
    List Separator: ","
    Decimal Separator: "."
    Thousands Separator: ","
    Internet Explorer: 11.1488
    Fonts: Small fonts (100% Scaling)
    Anti-Virus: Kaspersky Internet Security (Disabled, Up to date)
    Anti-Spyware: Windows Defender (Enabled, Up to date)
    Firewall: Kaspersky Internet Security (Disabled)
    PC Name: FELICIA
    Processor: Intel Core i5-4300U CPU @ 1.90GHz
    Processor Speed: 2494 MHz
    Number of Processors: 4
    Total Memory: 3.88 GB
    Available Memory: 1.66 GB
    Disk Size: 96.34 GB
    Free Disk Space: 31.73 GB
    Connected to Internet: Yes

  • Charlie Heaps 5/28/2020
      Best Response

    Hi again Felicia,

    I think we've found the issue. There is a file called tee.exe in the LEAP program folder that isnt being properly run by the batch file created to run NEMO. Please try copying this file (tee.exe) to the \Windows directory (or the \Windows\System32 directory). That should get the system up and running again. Please let me know if this works.

    I will do a more permanent fix for this in the next dot release.



  • Charlie Heaps 5/30/2020
      Best Response

    I've uploaded LEAP2020.1.3 now. This should fix the problem with LEAP not running NEMO properly and also fix the problem with importing hourly load shapes when using time slices with 2 (day/night) or 4 (morning, day, evening, night) daily time slice groups.

    Please update and see if it helps with your issues.

