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    Topic: Some questions about IBC toolSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Jeanne CAO 5/25/2020

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    We are developing the Kunming Transportation model based on
    the framework of the Asiana model. We want to use IBC tool to calculate the
    impact of the air quality and human health. However we are confused about the
    initial results shown by the Kunming Transportation Model.(Kunming is a city in

    1. The results showed that all the pollutants caused by the
    transportation in Kunming City would reach the peak at some time and decline
    afterward. However the IBC tool showed that both of the concentration of PM2.5
    and the deaths would keep growing. How to
    interpret this diametrically opposed
    results? Is that because the IBC tool is not applicable at the city scale?

    2. What's the
    relationship between the total amount of the pollutants calculated from the
    demand branch and the
    concentration of PM2.5 and
    the deaths in the indicators branch?

    According to the brief introduction of IBC tool, a second version of the IBC tool is planned that can be applied at the city scale. When will the city-scale IBC tool be ready?