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    Topic: NEMO(CPLEX) errorSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Matthew Davis 5/25/2020


    I am running into an error when optimizing with NEMO(CPLEX). The attached files shows the error. The model does run correctly if I use NEMO(GLPK) or OSeMOSYS(CPLEX). Let me know if you could use additional info.


    Error image 1.png
    Error image 2.png
  • Charlie Heaps 5/25/2020
      Best Response

    Thanks Matt - we are looking into this and will get back to you shortly.
  • Jason Veysey 5/26/2020
      Best Response

    Hi, Matt. It sounds like this problem might be related to the version of CPLEX you're using. The Julia CPLEX interface shipped with NEMO only supports CPLEX versions 12.8 and 12.9. Apparently IBM changed the CPLEX API substantially with version 12.8, making it impractical for Julia to continue to support older versions. What version of CPLEX do you have? Depending on what it is, I may be able to provide a work-around.
  • Matthew Davis 5/26/2020
      Best Response

    Hi Jason,

    Thanks for the reply. I am currently using version 12.10. If needed, I can switch to an earlier version.


  • Jason Veysey 6/9/2020
      Best Response

    Hello again. We've just released updates to LEAP and NEMO that address a few issues with the CPLEX integration. If you haven't installed them already, please give them a try - LEAP 2020.1.6 and NEMO 1.1.1 (https://leap.sei.org/default.asp?action=download). We've also clarified which versions of solvers are compatible with LEAP and NEMO here: https://sei-international.github.io/NemoMod.jl/installation/#Solver-compatibility-1. Note that for CPLEX, only versions 12.8 and 12.9 are currently supported. We expect to add 12.10 later this year. Please revert to 12.8 or 12.9 before installing NEMO 1.1.1. Let us know if you find any further problems, thanks!