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  • Ngovveng Chheng 5/26/2020

    Hi, I have just updated my LEAP2020. How do you I check if it has NEMO already loaded or do I need to install NEMO separately?

    Thank you and kind regards,


  • Charlie Heaps 5/26/2020
      Best Response

    >>Hi, I have just updated my LEAP2020. How do you I check if it has NEMO already loaded or do I need to install NEMO separately?

    NEMO must be installed separately from LEAP2020. You can download it from the LEAP web site.

    To check if NEMO is installed in LEAP, go to the Help: About screen and look for an entry marked:
    NEMO: Yes

    If it's not there then NEMO is not installed.

  • Ngovveng Chheng 5/27/2020
      Best Response

    Thank you, Dr. Charles.