• 120 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Optimization anomaly - exogenous capacities retiredSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Matthew Davis 5/26/2020


    I am encountering something strange that I cannot seem to remedy on my own in LEAP2020. I have an electricity system model and I am attempting to optimize capacity expansion and dispatch for while also having specified exogenous capacities during the optimization period for certain technologies. When I run the model with OSeMOSYS(CPLEX), all exogenous capacity is retired by LEAP during the optimization period (these capacities should not retire according to how I have entered data). This model used to run as expected on the previous LEAP version without issue using OSeMOSYS. Any insight on this issue would great.


  • Matthew Davis 11/12/2020
      Best Response

    This issue no longer occurs with LEAP 2020.1.20 64-bit and NEMO 1.2.0. It does still occur if OSeMOSYS is used though.
