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    Topic: yearly shape in LEAP 2020Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Felicia Sutomo 5/28/2020

    Hi All,

    I`m struggling to import hourly shape from excel to LEAP. I have followed LEAP Training Exercise English 2015 example 6 but still can`t import the excel file. I changed the time slice setting to 12months/24hrs (288 time slices). And I have made the load shape excel file up to 288hrs (the template refers to sample load shape excel file). Then I selected import hourly shape => import value as : energy load annual, excel range : KWh, hour of 1st hr in 1st monday = 1. But nothing changed. Could you please help me in this case? For now I have to input manually & it takes very long time because I need to input system load shape for each demand devices.

    Thank you.

    Apologies all - please ignore my query. Now I can import the load profile from excel after restarting the software. Thank you.

    Best regards,