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    Topic: strange result of hourly load profileSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Felicia Sutomo 5/29/2020

    Hi All,

    I have tried to input hourly load shape curve foe electricity generation. I have biomass, solar PV, and wind plants. But the result is strange when I chose the graph result for power generation : all time slicing. PV is chosen for base load. I have chosen dispatchable for PV,wind => NO, dispatchable for biomass (PLTBm) = yes, merit order PV,wind = 2, merit order biomass = 1
    Is this due to there is no storage optimization? Or is there any mistake with my input also?

    FYI I am having debug problem for energy storage (failed to run JULIA/NEMO) and had a call with Charlie - he is trying to solve the storage problem.

    Thank you for your help & time.

    Best regards,

    Attachments:  strange result of hourly load profile for PV.pdf [5]